Copy of Questions, posed by General G. Christie (annexed in 0657), and Answers, provided by Ensign William Rogerson, relating to 'the Dishonorable Surrender of that Important Island [St Eustatius] and of St Martin's to an handful of French troops'.

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Answers. [[note]] 20th. [[/note]] The General Opinion of the Officers & Garrison at St. Eustatuis are, that the Commandant, had actually Sold the Island — Or that some treacherous proceedings had taken place. [[note]] 21st. [[/note]] There was no change in the usual Signals The Lady of the House were the Signal Man (by Name Pettynew) lodged, informed me that he was changed a few days before the Capture of the Island (signed) Willm Rogerson Ensign 13 Infty

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