Copy of Questions, posed by General G. Christie (annexed in 0657), and Answers, provided by Ensign William Rogerson, relating to 'the Dishonorable Surrender of that Important Island [St Eustatius] and of St Martin's to an handful of French troops'.

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(Copy) Questions (Copy) [[note]] 10th: [[/note]] Did any Officer ask Coll Cockbuine what was to be done when the Enemy landed, & what Answers did he make? [[note]] 11th. [[/note]] What did the Enemy do after the Surrender of St. Eustatius relative to ye Vessels in the Bay, or the [[underline]] Money [[/underline]] said to be in what was called the King’s Chest? [[note]] 12th [[/note]] How much Money was said by the Commandant to be in the Chest, & how much was found in it, and whether or no, there were not a Number of Private Purses with Money in them, in said Chest belonging to certain Inhabitants, with their Names Marked on the same? [[note]] 13th. [[/note]] Was you present at opening said Chest, or who have you hear present, besides the French General & who of the Garrison?

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