Letter from Rear-Adm. Lord Hood to General Jacob de Budé sending enclosures [most not on file, apart from 0728] concerning the movements of enemy ships and a threat to Jamaica, and reporting his intention to put to sea as quickly as possible.

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Barfleur New York Novr. 13th. 1782 My dear General By a Vessel which arrived here from Jamaica on the 10th. we had an account that the Gnay Tronin sailed two days before with dispatches from the commanders in chief by sea & Land, to those in that character here, and that Martial Law was about to be proclaimed I immediately wrote Rear Admiral Digby the letter you will herewith receive. On the 11th. the Gnay Tronin arrived, and as soon as I had opened and read the dispatch addressed to Adml. Pigot a copy of which I now send, I waited upon Sir Guy Carlton and the Rear Admiral, signified my intention of putting to sea, with the Squadron under my command, the moment there was water to pass the Bar, unless Admiral Digby gave me orders to the Contrary, which he does not care to do, though he will not speak out upon the propriety of my sailing, and suggests danger to his post from Vandreuil’s ships, after I am gone [[catchword]] though [[/catchword]]

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