Copy extract of a letter from Gen. Sir Guy Carleton to Maj-Gen. Archibald Campbell replying to a letter received and reporting that he has issued orders for troops to be sent to Jamaica as soon as the evacuation of Charlestown is completed, requesting that as this leaves other areas potentially in danger there should be a delay in the sending of any troops from Jamaica to the Spanish Main, and also asking that some of the troops he is sending might be sent in due course 'to the Northward' along with any weak and sickly regiments currently in Jamaica.

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together with a full confidence that Your alarm is not premature, only renders excusable; I trust Your Excelleny’s judgement and Zeal for the Public welfare, will induce you to look first to the safety of your own Island, and delay sending detachments to the spanish Main, which may weaken Your defence, Occasion your Callling for larger reinforcements of Regular troops; and Can Produce no solid advantages to the state, until it is more able to extend its possessions, and secure such conquests— I must request that as soon as the Kings service will permit, Your Excellency will send to the Northward, not only the Companies of the 82d and 84th, but all the weak and sickly Regiments under Your Command, which may be replaced by others, complete, in good health, and in other respects more fit for service.— I should think the beginning of the hurricane season, when the Kings Fleets come to North America, the most proper for this measure—They might likewise on their return, take under their protection, the Troops destin’d to replace them;—“