Letter [?] from Rear-Adm. Lord Hood to General Jacob de Budé expressing his dissatisfaction at Capt. Napier being attached to Prince William on the Barfleur and at the general procedure which has been followed for his mathematics education in view of some knowledge which he lacks, and reporting on some of the training the Prince is now having.

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been some time in bringing myself to say what I do, but full trust I say it to you [[underline]] alone [[/underline]] I talk a good deal in the most open & friendly Language which I greatly flatter myself will be of Service. H.R.H. works every morning with Capt. Knight at the Mathematics & drawing, who is a very clever fellow in every respect, and I am confident is thought highly of by the Prince, which is a great matter — When Mr. Majendie arrives you will I am sure be fully & truly informed of everything — [[foreign: French]] adieu [[/foreign]] ever yours with much affection H: Decr. 24th.

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