Copy of a letter from Rear-Adm. Lord Hood to Adm. Hugh Pigot conveying information formed from past observations as to the usual routes taken by French ships when near Jamaica, suggesting where it would therefore be best for the British fleet to intercept them, and reporting what actions he proposes to take.

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which they may be some time in getting to Cape Francois Upon this Account as you are pleased to Submit the Kings Squadron to my discretion and judgements, I think the chance will, be fare better for interception Vaudreuils Squadron off the Old Cape a little to the westward of Cape Samana, than off the Caycos Island, and I shall then, be in a fair way of meeting with any reinforcements coming from Europe or Martinique which may be expected, and also of joining you should you judge it necessary to come to Leeward, for these reasons I flatter myself you will approve my Changing my Rendezvous to the East end of Hispaniola, and trust you will do me the Justice to believe that I am actuated only in doing so, from thinking it most Advisable for the good of the Kings Service. Small merchant Vessels as well as privateers often pass the Caycos passage from America, but it appears to me hazardous for a Squadron to Attempt to hit it, bound to a Port rather to Windward for fear of falling to Leeward, and they will be less likely to be Correct in their Longitude by having merchant Ships under Convoy. I shall dispatch a Frigate to Cruize off the Caycos Island, to inform any Captain of a Ship that my come there to look out for me, where I am. and in case of falling in with the Enemys Squadron [[catchword]] to [[/catchword]]