Copy of a letter from Rear-Adm. Lord Hood to Adm. Hugh Pigot conveying information formed from past observations as to the usual routes taken by French ships when near Jamaica, suggesting where it would therefore be best for the British fleet to intercept them, and reporting what actions he proposes to take.

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Barfleur at Sea 22d Novemr. 1782. Off Sandy Hook.-- Sir/ I am extremely happy to tell you that His Majestys Squadron under my Command is safe over the Bar. Upon talking with some officers who have served man Years upon the Jamaica Station, I find the French always go out into the Sea through the Caycos passage, though seldom or ever return that way back, but go to the Windward of the Silver Keys and make Cape Samana on the East end of Hispaniola. and Captain Nelson of the Albermarle who has been cruizing about about the Caycos channel for ten or twelve Weeks at a time, does not remember to have seen a ship of any Burthen, coming to Hispaniola by that Passage. The reason against the Channel inward is doubtless strong and good, as making it from the Northward must spend upon the Longitude being exact, and the French I believe are not Adepts in that knowledge and if they fall but a few Leagues to Leeward, they will not be able to fetch to windward of Cape Nicola Mole from [[catchword]] which [[/catchword]] Admiral Pigot Commander in Chief &c &c &c. [[unclear]]

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