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K / Ps. Mary - after King [[underline]] shot [[/underline]] [[unclear]] a Rifle [[underline]] Mob [[/underline]] in Park - attacking his [[underline]] Carrige [[/underline]] Lower Lodge Novr 1-1795 Windsor I would not write to you dearest Lady Cha till I had seen Papa Mama and my Sisters [[underline]] all [[/underline]] arrive [[underline]] safe [[/underline]] and well at Windsor which they did Last night about 6 o'clock My Poor head is almost turned with [[underline]] all [[/underline]] the shocking events that happened here Thursday as the King was [[underline]] going [[/underline]] & [[underline]] coming home [[/underline]] from the House How thankful we ought to be to [[underline]] Heaven [[/underline]] for [[underline]] Protecting the best of Sovereigns [[/underline]] - My dear Lady Cha you would be surprised to see our dear King so well in health and not the least hurried & quite calm You may suppose we talk of nothing else & both King & Queen likewise [[underline]] can [[/underline]] name no other subject; which I am glad of for you know that sometimes they [[deletion]] unclear [[/deletion]] [[addition]] do not [[/addition]] like talking of things that affect them

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