Letter from Rear-Adm. Lord Hood to General Jacob de Budé reporting that he was on his way to England, having received his orders in April, and noting that Prince William had visited Havana [?] and was in excellent health.

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Barfleur at sea May 18th 1783 to the Northward of Bermuda My Dear General I received Admiral Pigot's orders to proceed to England on the 22nd of East month, and sailed with the Kings Squadron under my command on the 25th, and having given Prince William an opportunity of visiting the Havana I gott through the Gulph of Florida on the instant I am now well on my passage, and therefore dispatch Le Fortunee to announce my near approach and cannot suffer her commander Capt. Christian to leave me, without making him the Beaver of a few lines to you. He preceded the squadron to the Havana, with His Royal Highness, under the charge of my friend Capt. Merrick, as if might not have been convenient for me to wait off the Port, on account of the violence of the current-My passage from Jamaica to the Gulph, was very tedious, owing to light hiss of wind, with frequent calms. I have ordered Capt. Christian to spithead, and I hope [[catchword]] and [[/catchword]]