Dispensation from George III (per Robert Quame) for admitting Prince William to the Order of the Thistle by an investiture.

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George R. Whereas by a Statue of the most ancient and most Noble Order of the Thistle dated the 14th. day of February 1720/1 It is directed that the Form of admitting Knights Brethren thereof should be by Election in a Chapter of the Brethren held in the Sovereigns Presence or (in Case of his Absence) of his Commissioner appointed for that Effect Nevertheless we being resolved to have Our Dearly Beloved Son Prince William Henry invested with the said Order this Day and there not being sufficient Time for doing it in the Form directed by the said Statue, We do therefore dispense with the same for this Time and appoint the said Investiture to be performed in manner heretofore done by us or Our Royal Predecessors. Given under Our Royal Hand and Signet of the said Order at Our Court at St. James's the Fifth Day of April 1770 and Our Reign the Tenth year. By the Sovereign's Command. Robt: Quarme, Gentleman Usher, In Absence of the Secretary.