Letter from George III to Major General Jacob de Budé, directing that Rev. Majendie should accompany Prince William as a governor when the Prince goes to sea, providing instructions as to what Majendie should teach the Prince, etc., and directing that he should send reports to de Budé for the King's information.

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be looked upon as essential to the Character of a Gentleman; the letters of my Dearly Beloved Son to His Relations cannot at His early age contain much of a secret nature, therefore it may be proper for Mr. Majendie in the beginning to correct the Orthography, and perhaps the style, though the sentiments should not on any account be altered. 4. That the Study of the English History will be a pleasant as well as useful occupation, Mr. Majendie should in this first course merely teach Him the Facts, and omit Political Reasoning that will take more effect when his mind is more enlightened. 5. That translating from Latin and English into French will be the easiest and best method of acquiring a language now become so universal; Mr. Majendie should as much as possible converse with Him in that language, and it will be the only means whilst at Sea of not losing the practice; and all Books of Recreation ought to be in that language, as that will be one of the most pleasing means of learning the Language, and at the same time there are more Books of that kind void of evil than in His native tongue. 6. That Mr. Majendie will take every opportunity of pointing out when alone to my Dearly Beloved Son the omissions he has remarked in his general conduct, and how much I shall be mortifed when He returns from Sea, if not void of the little tricks and rudeness, which ought to be cast off at an earlier age than He is now arrived at. 7. That Mr. Majendie will pursue these Instructions at every opportunity which may occurr, when my Dearly Beloved Son [[catchword]] is [[/catchword]]