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K/ [[unclear]] Accnt of King [[underline]] meeting [[/underline]] The Fleet fr. [[underline]] Mediterranean [[/underline]] unexpectedly -- a [[underline]] Storm [[/underline]] [[note]] [[underline]] Weymouth [[/underline]] September the 26th - [[underline]] 1796 [[/underline]] 26 August My dearest Lady Cha To return you thanks for your last letter it [[addition]] is [[/addition]] my wish to do [[deletion]] so [[/deletion]] with so kind a one I am afraid I want words to express half what I felt at reading it & all the pleasure it gave me, but believe me when I tell you that no one loves you better & more than I do & that any thing that comes from you must always make me happy --the account you gave me of Matilda quite delighted me as well as of Miss Finch & only hope they both continue going on well --Now my dearest Lady Cha to give you an account of a long Party we went yesterday which may I hope amuse you & those at Barley, for a moment & if it does it will answer my wishes fully -- I must begin by telling you that long before any of us were up yesterday morning they came to inform

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