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Sung, over & over again six times in all Thursday Mama having a bad head ache we did not go to the Drawing Room which at first I was sorry for [[addition]] as [[/addition]] Duncan and [[underline]] all [[/underline]] his Officers came up to be presented, but afterwards I was very glad we did not go as dear amiable [[underline]] little [[/underline]] Charlotte came to us I never saw such a [[underline]] little [[/underline]] love as very amusing and [[underline]] entertaining [[/underline]] much improved [[underline]] talks [[/underline]] & [[underline]] laughs a great deal [[/underline]] [[deletion]] like [[/deletion]] [[addition]] her [[/addition]] likeness to the Prince of Wales is stronger if possible than ever with her Mothers Eyes I think her a very [[underline]] fine [[/underline]] & most [[underline]] engaging [[/underline]] Child - Wednesday the Princess came to see Augusta upon her birthday & was so kind as to bring the dear Child wth her I never saw a Child more fond of its Mother than Charlotte is & more tender of her Child than the Princess is of her Daughter [[underline]] talked [[/underline]] with the Child of [[underline]] Papa [[/underline]] as if nothing had happened

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