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Poor [[underline]] Lady Cumberland [[/underline]] left us yesterday after receiving the news of her [[underline]] Brother's [[/underline]] death. [[underline]] Mr Hobarts [[/underline]] death he has left 5 Children & [[underline]] his wife [[/underline]] very near her time; I never saw any thing like her distress -- Jany the 2d Windsor Janry 2d. (Delightful account of [[underline]] Ball [[/underline]], given by [[underline]] the Queen [[/underline]] & [[underline]] Prss Charlotte [[/underline]] at [[underline]] Frogmore [[/underline]], [[underline]] New Years day 180 [[underline]] [[underline]] King & P. of Wales [[/underline]] [[unclear]] - Lady Elgin (Governess)

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