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are to have a [[underline]] Grown Up [[/underline]] Ball for [[unclear]] but I much fear [[underline]] Mr Renti [[/underline]] will not let me dance, as I have been almost quite confined this week with a vulgar thing called a tore [[underline]] nail [[/underline]] which has grown [[underline]] in [[/underline]] tormented me nearly to death & now the [[underline]] nail [[underline]] is come quite thick I fear it will be quite impossible to dance, which will be a great disappointment to me [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] as [[underline]] I am [[/underline]] the [[underline]] only [[/underline]] one in the family that really love dancing & enjoy it [[underline]] from my very heart [[/underline]] - Pray thank Mrs Feilding for her letter it eased my mind greatly on your account my dear Lady Cha as I was most anxious about you - We are all well believe Your Affte Mary Love to all at Barley

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