Letter from Queen Charlotte to the Prince Regent

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and still [[underline]] less [[/underline]] at [[underline]] this [[/underline]] time, if His Majesty could know the state of those Accounts which will shortly appear before The Public. Your Majesty mentions "a threat "recently conveyed from Mr. George Villiers through "an indirect Channel" I have no knowledge whatever of what that is to which your Majesty alludes: but I am sincerely to regret it, if it is to extinguish any spark of hope which I might otherwise have entertained that Your Majesty might not inevocably have decided to deny my Petition; which, if granted, I am still persuaded would entirely realize my wishes: and surely, Madam, the merits of that Petition, if it has any, cannot be affected by anything which has subsequently happened._ I only humbly ask/how anxiously, how earnestly, I cannot say/that Your Majesty would be graciously pleased to give my Brother the means of endeavouring to [[catchword]] justify [[/catchword]]