Letter from Queen Charlotte to the Prince Regent

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me, Madam, with all respect to say, that any change or insinuation against the character of another/and that my Brother should have escaped every weapon which Envy or Malice may have aimed against him, is hardly to be expected/can only be proved to be, or [[underline]] not to be misrepresentation, [[/underline]] by the Person accused being allowed to know his Offence, in order that he may have an opportunity, if he can, of justifying himself: and it was on that account that I so anxiously solicited your Majesty condescendingly to inform me what was the Offence which had drawn down upon my Brother your Majesty's displeasure._ I lament, cordially lament, that Your Majesty upon this point is not graciously pleased to be more explicit._ -Your Majesty assures me that His Majesty's kindness [[underline]] was [[/underline]] alienated from my Brother on account of his public conduct:_ to that I hope I may be permitted to reply, that such [[underline]] was [[/underline]] His Majesty's unrimitted consideration