Letter from Queen Charlotte to the Prince Regent

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[[underline]] Copy [[/underline]] The Grove 26th: January 1813 Madam Allow me with all respect, to offer my thanks to Your Majesty for those expressions personally towards myself with which your Majesty is graciously pleased to honour me. With the utmost deference, I hope, I may be allowed to reply to Your Majesty's letter of the 26th. Inst., lest, by not doing so, I should seem before to have troubled Your Majesty with less consideration upon the Subject in question than could have been suited to it's importance, or than could, in any degree, have justified me in presuming to intrude myself upon Your Majesty's Attention._ Your Majesty assures me that I have been misinformed if I suppose that misrepresentations to Mr. George Villiers's disadvantage may have reached Your Majesty's Ear._ Permit [[catchword]] me [[/catchword]]