Letter from Queen Charlotte to the Prince Regent

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declared most unequivocally to The Queen, and to Others of His Family that He could not in Justice to the Public, nor consistently with what He owed to His Own Character, retain Mr. Villiers either in the Situation of Groom of the Bedchamber or in the Management of His Farms.-- His Majesty's Execution of such His Pleasure to the full Extent, was indeed delayed in consequence of Mr. Villiers having/after He had been removed from the Management of the Little Park/requested Him to suspend His Judgement until the Result of the Public Investigation into his Conduct should be known, but The King's Determination to give early Effect to His Intentions was frequently repeated by Him to The Queen, in the most positive Terms, was never concealed by Him from any of His Family, and The Queen is confident that it would not long have remained doubtful [[catchword]] had [[/catchword]]