Letter, with draft, from Queen Charlotte to George, Prince of Wales

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equal and become only of consequence by setting good - examples to other and these must be given, with a view of doing our Duty but hot with the Idea of Superiority: for then the action loses its merits. Lastly I recommend Unto You the highest Love, affection, and Duty towards the King. Look upon him as a friend: nay as the greatest, the best and the most deserving of all friends You can possibly find. Try to imitate his virtues, and look upon every thing that is in Opposition to that Duty, as destruction to Yourself. After this, i am sure You cant be unacquainted with what belongs to me as I am the next to the King. keep in Love and Friendship with Your Brothers and Sisters; for I am sure they will deserve and require it of You: and as You ought to seek Your