Letter, with draft, from Queen Charlotte to George, Prince of Wales

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will acquire to You happiness in this world as well as hereafter: the latter will make You Unhappy, because it leaves after it an Unhappy Conscience; a situation which seems to [[unclear]] most wretched in Life; as it deprives Us of the greatest enjoyment of Life that is peace of mind. Love and Esteem those that are about You. Confide in and act with Sincerity towards them; as that alone will be productive of a lasting friendship. treat nobody with Contempt, for that will deprive You of it. Be charitable to every Body; not forgetting Your meaner Servants dont Use them with indifference: rather pity them that they are Obliged to serve and do unto them as You would be done by. I mean that you should not thined Yourself above doing good unto them. the Contrary will make You appear vain; And vanity is the root of all vice, and a sure proof of ignorance: for what is man to man? we are all