Letter from Queen Charlotte to George, Prince of Wales

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My dear lady Effingham. By your answer to [[underline]] Mr [[/underline]] de Luc I find that You mistake [[deletion]] the [[/deletion]] [[addition]] his [[/addition]] Note (by saying that lady Egremont was in waiting) I know that very well, and you may believe that such a Note could not have come to you without my direct orders as hitherto I have not thought it necessary to [[deletion]] be [[/deletion]] charge the lady in [[underline]] waiting only [[/underline]] to invite the small company for my private parties, it would be uncomfortable [[addition]] indeed [[/addition]] to stick eternally to [[underline]] etiquets [[/underline]]. Lady Egremont is very ill, but [[deletion]] had [[/deletion]] [[addition]] was [[/addition]] that not the case, I should very likely have charged you equally with the commission particularly as I had no thoughts of seeing her, Lady Holdeness is also very ill, and lady Hartford hath an Assembly to Night I am very sorry to find that you are not well yourself and hope it is only the act of Parliament, should you not be well enough to come this Evening pray let me know that I may secure Lady Hartford, but desire you still to invite Ld Ashburnham, Southhampton, Ldy Mary Doulby, & Lord Brudenel. Compliments to Sr George. Charlotte.

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