Letter from Queen Charlotte to George, Prince of Wales

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the Queen to the Prince of Wales July 11th. 1784 My dearest Son. Having recovered my Senses a little after a long & painfull Operation of three full Hours performed upon one of my fore teeth by Monsieur Dumirgue. I take up my Pen to thank [[addition]] you [[/addition]] for Your pretty [[addition]] letters & [[/addition]] Cadeau which [[foreign:French]] malgri bon grip [[/foreign]] I must accept notwithstanding all my [[underline]] bonsted Prudences [[/underline]] Alas! [[underline]] You know Pope says, Wee Women have no Character at all, [[/underline]] to which I subscribe only [[underline]] so far [[/underlined] as concerns the little Steeds, for my unsteadiness was only occasioned by delicacy not want of inclination: for You little know how much I feel any attention from You. I shall make it my chief study to establish the Household of this New acquired [[underline]] little Family [[/underline]] & shall not forget [[underline]] appointing [[/underline]] some of the [[underline]] Physical tribe [[/underline]] to prevent the Appoplesy You threaten them with. I shall only desire You will keep them in Your stables till I come to Kew on Wednesday when wee will settle about them.

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