Letter from Queen Charlotte to Lady Effingham

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To The Countess Dowager of Effingham [[image]] My dearest lady Effinghams, very kind, Polite, and modest letter I received last Thursday Night, when undressing, and would have answered immediately had the departure of my Son Frederick not prevented it, You who have frequently undergone such disagreable moments will guess how that Day passed therefore I shall say nothing more upon that subject but have vanity enough to think that Your good wishes attend my young traveller. Your Son my dear Friend hath not been forgot by the King nor by me, Several reasons which You knew, and other which I shall very sincerely tell you when we meet [[deletion]] ag [[/deletion]] were [[deletion]] h [[/deletion]] against his being placed in the P of W. Family, but I am ordered by the King to acquaint You that he hath last Friday spoke to Lord North about [[underline]] Mr [[/underline]]