Letter from Queen Charlotte to George, Prince of Wales

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My dearest Son. Your Letter was delivered but a few minutes, before the Committee of both Houses came to me by my own appointment. Considering the Proposition as a Resolution of Parliament, I thought only one answer could be given to it: And, if Your suggestions had come in time, they are not sufficiently particular to furnish an alternatives. I saw Nothing in the address of the two Houses, but their Desire to charge me with a Trust, which, in all private Respects was my Duty before, with such Powers as seemed to them necessary for that purpose. That tender, and anxious Office I have endeavoured to perform, ever since the Melancholy occasion arose; and I have no views beyond it. How the Kings Government is to be [[deletion]] carried [[/deletion]] Administered, what provisions are to be made for replacing it in His hands, and what stile of dignity should attend His Person in the mean Time