Letter from Queen Charlotte to Frederick, Duke of York and Albany

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The Queen to ye D of York Dec. 25. 1791 My dearest Fredrick. I should begin this with Compliments of the Season but my good wishes attend You so con- stantly that all Seasons are alike. I will therefore come to the point at once & tell you that the Kg will go to the play next Wednesday, where we hope you will carry Yr sweet [[underline]] [[foreign:French]] chere moitie: [[/foreign]] [[/underline]] that Wee may be Witness to Her first reception at the English Spectacle, of which I promise myself [[foreign:French]] une grand Fete. [[/foreign]] We are to have the Duenn in which Mrs Billington & Quick will I hope entertain the Dutchess to whom I beg my best love & am

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