Letter from Queen Charlotte to George III

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Lord Ailesbury is very sorry to be under the disagreeable Necessity of troubling Her Majesty with the inclosed Particulars which Mr Mathias has stated with as much exactness as is possible, and besides the Debt He mentions Four Hundred and Fifty four Pounds are due on Money borrowed to discharge the Quarterly Payments which Lord Ailesbury found it so difficult at this critical Time to continue to do that He thought it best to postpone the Payment of Her Majesty's Tradesmen; the fact is that the Expenditure openly exceeds every Quarter the means of paying it, and it is become necessary not only to pay Her Majesty's Debt but that such an Addition should be made to the Income as may prevent future Entanglements. Lord Ailesbury will have the Honor of being at the Queen's House Wednesday at Three o'clock. April 11.1796