Letter from Queen Charlotte to George, Prince of Wales

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We are just returned to Windsor & I am run away from Your Sisters in order to recover from a Battle that I have been Fighting for at least for & twenty Hours between [[underline]] Prudence & Affection [[/underline]] You will no doubt believe me Sincere when I say that as You are Concerned in it, the [[underline] latter [[/underline]] must carry the Victory & indeed Nothing but my [[underline]] Love [[/underline]] for You would ever have made me take [[unclear]] which I know must be irksome [[addition]] both [[/addition]] to You, & [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] myself. On Wednesday Evening when alone I took up a [[addition]] News [[/addition]] Paper & read an Article which mentions that Field Marshall Conways House was fitted up & given to Earl Jersey by His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, I do not credit my dearest Son every Article I read there, but other all the Uneasiness You & all of Us have gone through this last Year, & the many [[unclear]] which

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