Letter from Queen Charlotte to George, Prince of Wales

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the Queen to the Prince of Wales 16th. Dec. 1796. My dearest Son. I [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] am [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] truely happy to hear that You are in a manner quite recovered & that You are so conformable to Yr Physician Pray continue to follow His advice in keeping [[unclear]], a little longer, as the smallest chek of the Distemper might Occasion a relapse which in general does more mischief than one is aware of. The Fog of to Day is not very tempting for leaving a Worm room & the Damp so piercing that none but those who must go out [[foreign: french]] [[underline]] par devoir [[/underline]] [[unclear]] [[unclear]] leur Nid. [[/foreign]] I hope when we meet to see You quite strong & well & that You will then be enabled to settle many things. The little dear Charlotte behaved very well notwithstanding her being plagued with Her Teeth & I fancy that every exact attention to the [[unclear]] [[unclear]] for Her will prevent all Uneasinefs about Her.

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