Letter from Queen Charlotte to George, Prince of Wales

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for or named a Welsh Judge, the Kg hinted something about a Marriott & the Person who was to succeed Him, the Name I forged [[deletion]] for [[/deletion]] [[addition]] & [[/addition]] it was thought that whosoever was to undertake or to effect Marriots changing His Place would meet with Great difficulty. As to myself I do assure You I am now much better & have most implicitly followed Dr Turton's prescription with very good Effect. besides that I am out for two or five Hours almost every Morning which agrees well with my Health, but the Sun is so powerful at Times that after I come in I must sit down & take a Comfortable Sleep for about half an Hour which revives one much. -- We have not many People here of Our Acquaintances, but enough to make the Kgs [[unclear]] Party, & [[unclear]] of Casino, & should they fail [[underline]] [[foreign:French]] Je me fermi a tout [[/foreign]] [[/underline]] Lrd Charles Somerset gains

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