Letter from Queen Charlotte to George, Prince of Wales

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more kindly towards Her by giving it up [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] entirely, for You know how difficult it is to deceive the Kg & should by any accident which cannot now be foreseen, (but yet may happen) the real truth ever come to light, I am convinced the dear Kg never would forgive it. All this my own Conscience bids me say, & by Yr Letter I am justified in not only in doing so, but I feel truely happy to have it in my power of preventing Your taking any Step which might with reason offend the Kg. I am just come from ldy Elgin where we took leave of Chasse. We are all sorry to part with Her, I hope She will be happy. ldy Elgin keeps up Her Spirits wonderfully & when She begins to get low She goes to dear little Che to reasing Her Spirits in which She is quite right for any thing so good or so engaging I never saw before & Yesterday She was [[underline]] Unique. [[/underline]] I must now quit You & prepare myself for leaving Town to Morrow, I wish You a happy Easter & beg You to remember Yr ever affectionate Mother & [[unclear]] Friend Charlotte [[note]] Q. H. the 23d/ March. 1799. [[/note]]

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