Letter from Queen Charlotte to the Prince Regent

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Management of the King, Private Property appear to the Queen unobjectionable. Upon the proposed Grant of £10, 000, towards defraying His Majesty's extraordinary Expences of Removal from Place to Place, and of keeping up Her House in Town as elsewhere, the Queen forbears to make any Remark, as if has Reference to the General Arrangements to which She has so strongly objects. The Duke of York has explained to the Queen the Nature of Extent of the Provision which it will be proposed to Parliament to make for the Principles, and the Principle upon which it is now granted, and Her Majesty cannot but highly approve it. At the same time She conceives that the Adoption of this Principle, by which the Princesses are placed upon an Independent footing, furnishes a strong Ground for Her own Claim to a separate and distinct Establishment at the present Period. Signed Charlotte R.