Letter from Queen Charlotte to the Prince Regent

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as She is, that, when the utmost amount shall be [[unclear]],Her Arrangements and Calculations must be made in Conformity to that amount and that the Expences must strictly keep pace with the funds assigned. The Queen cannot but hope that this Candid and unreserved Exposition of Her Sentiments & Wishes will prove a sufficient Motive with Mr Percival to consider of the Prosperity & Expediency of framing such an Arrangement as may satisfy the only feelings which She can [[unclear]] on this Subject. The only remaining Point in Mr Percival's Paper which the Queen feels Herself called upon to notice at any length, in the proposed [[unclear]] of the Sum of £60,000, issued in Lieu of His Majesty's Privy Purse Allowance & that of £10,000 per Annum from the Duchy of Lancaster. It is stated that this Sum of £70, 000 per Annum "and such Pacts of the King's Revenue as "remain at His Majesty's Disposal" shall display the Private Pensions changed in the Privy Purse to their full Amount and also such Expence of the Medical Attendants, as has hitherto been incurred, or as shall arise in future. The Queen considers it probable that the Claims upon the King's Privy Purse will greatly [[catchword]] exceed [[/catchword]]

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