Letter from Queen Charlotte to the Prince Regent

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of those whose Attachment to the King, must produce in them an anxious Desire to promote the Interests of Servants whose Services His Kindness could not have left unrewarded. -- Besides the Regular Payer, there are other Individuals who have been employed during many Years by the King in various Situations and whose Claims to due Considerations Cannot, in Justice be set aside. -- This [[unclear]] must apply equally to the Retention of Inferior Servants of every Description "in the Proportion necessary for the accommodation "of the King and His Family." The Principle of extreme Economy which seems to pervade the proposed Plan will necessarily limit the Selection of Inferior Servants of any Description to a small Proportion of the most Efficient and of those who, being the Youngest, have the least Salaries, and the Consequence will be that the Oldest Servants, those who are encumbered with Families, who cannot hope for Provision or Support in any other [[unclear]]. will be thrown upon the wide World without Bread for themselves or their Families The Queen have been prematurely led to an Obscuration upon the Principle of Economy which pervades the Plan, and which, in its Execution must necessarily exclude all liberal and, She may add, all just Considerations of the Services of His Majesty's old [[catchword]] Servants [[/catchword]]