Letter from Queen Charlotte to the Prince Regent

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[[note]] the Queen to the Prince Regent 20. Dec. 1812. [[/note]] I come now to the other part of Yr Letter about the Princesses appearing with Charlotte to that I did agree so far, as Sometimes, but Not every weak. as You must be Sensible that with the small Society I have here, I should by that be almost left quite alone, as the whole Number left when two are gone are only Five. I own I was surprized that Lrd Liverpool's Paper did not strike Yr Pride as it did mine when I saw the Easy manner in which He disposes & settles the manner of the Royal Family appearing in Public I said nothing at the Time but felt most amazingly offended & cannot suppress it any longer. [[unclear]] to the representation Yr Sisters have made of what [[deletion]] has [[/deletion]] did pass on Sunday Night before they left Windsor I am ignorant of, but I will not deny tho [[underline]] I do not mean [[/underline]] to justify my own Conduct, that the Answer I received from Mary when I found fault with

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