Letter from Queen Charlotte to the Prince Regent

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amongst others one from my Niece Princess of Solms at the End of which She Informs me of the King of Prussia-- has [[addition]] ing [[/addition]] [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] agreed or rather Confirmed Her Divorce. Her words are [[foreign:French]] ,,Qu'après le Desir, la Volonte, & le Conseil de ,,mon adoré Pêre, comme d'après le Conseil du ,,deffeint, mon Mairage avec le Prince de Solms ,,a été Divorce par le Roi de Prusse, qui y ,,a Consente avec [[underline]] Empressement, [[/underline]] & l'Acte [[unclear]] ,,a ce Sujet a été ratifie par le Roi étant Princesse Douairiere de Prusse--[[/foreign]] There is a great deal more about P. Solms Conduct of which my Brother had Informed me some weeks ago, when He applyed for the Divorce & seemed very anxious to obtain it. In answer to that Letter I told my Brother fairly that as He was Eye

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