Letter from Queen Charlotte to the Prince Regent

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for all the Mortifications [[unclear]] for this, the last, the most unexpected and the most [[unclear]], the Prohibition [[unclear]] to Me alone to appear before Your [[unclear]], to offer My Congratulations to Your Majesty upon the happy [[unclear]] of those Calamities with which Europe has been so long afflicted, in the Presence of the Illustrious [[unclear]] who will in all Probability be [[unclear]] at Your Majesty's Court and with whom I am so closely connected by Birth and Marriage. I beseech Your Majesty to do Me an Act of Justice to which, in the present Circumstances, Your Majesty is the only Person competent: by acquainting those Illustrious Strangers with the Motives of [[unclear]] Consideration towards Your Majesty which alone induced Me to abstain from the Exercise of My Right to appear before Your Majesty upon these Occasions; and that I do now, as I have done at all times, duty the [[unclear]] of My Enemies to fix upon Me the Shadow of any One [[unclear]], which could render Me unworthy of their [[catchword]] Society [[/catchword]]