Letter from Queen Charlotte to the Prince Regent

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it impossible for any Persons to Continue in the Discharge of the Duty requested of them. In Communicating to You these their Sentiments, I conceive that I owe it to You, my Dearest Son, not only to state My entire Concurrence in them, but also earnestly to entreat You as You look to the general Benefit of what is now proposed, and as You value Your own Peace of Mind and Your Security from encreased Trouble and Embarassment, not to object to receive Charlotte into Carlton House, were it only for a Short Period, after which the Removal to Cranbourne Lodge may take place upon the Plea of suggested Change of Air, at this Season, or any other which shall appear adviseable._ I am aware that You cannot admit this preliminary Arrangement without putting Yourself to great Inconvenience, but the Object is one of such Moment to Yourself & to the Country that I am

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