Letter from Queen Charlotte to the Prince Regent

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of Your direct and ostensible Support, as giving Weight to their Endeavors, as well as from the general Influence upon Public Opinion. Independently however of these grounds, Connected with the desired Success of the Measure, They are guided in their Opinions by a Knowledge of the popular feeling, and of the Sentiments which prevail in all Circles of Society, which their Access to these Circles, as well as their habits of Life give to them Means of learning and appreciating which I cannot possess_ Upon these various Grounds they consider themselves bound, under the same Principle of Duty which forbids them to decline a most difficult and ungracious Task, to represent their Conviction of the Necessity of what they venture to propose, observing that an Interpretation might otherwise be given to a Measure of National Utility, which may Create such a Clamour as would probably render