Letter from Queen Charlotte to the Prince Regent

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[[note]] I put Private upon the Letter it would be a pity the secrets of this should transpire [[/note]] My dearest Son. I do not mean to take up much Time of the little left for you to to enjoy without Business, as that would be Cruel indeed. These few lines are only to Inform You that I send off to Day four of the Finest Smoked Geese just arrive I ever saw, they must be eat Raw as of Course Perk or Patua will know, and if they are Boiled must be done very slow but are never so good, they came strait from the Island of Rugen the most famous place in all Europe for this Deliacy - I hope you will find them to Your taste and Eat the Health of Your Ever affectionnate Mother and Sincere Friend Charlotte [[note]] Windsor the 2d/ Janry. 1815. [[/note]]