Letter from Queen Charlotte to the Prince Regent

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My dearest Son. By some accounts from abroad I have reason to suspect that not withstanding Your exprefs Orders to the Duke of Cumberland not to bring the Future Dutchefs to England He fully intends not to come with out Her; and as He is known to be very decided in His Character; I fear we may be surprised with such a Visit when we least expect it _. To prevent all pofsible misunderstanding in Case of this Event taking place, I feel it a Painfull duty, although in this Instance I owe it to the Family, the Nation, [[underlined]] and not least to my real Love and Affection for You [[/underlined]] to declare to You [[underlined]] the Impofsibility of receiving Her [[/underlined]] her Marriage with Prince Solms when She was engaged to the Duke of Cambridge, and many other Circumstances of which I am more imperfectly appraized, are unfortunately too well known here, not to be brought forward by the disaffected, & most probably

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