Letter from Queen Charlotte to the Prince Regent

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willing to believe that a Misinterpretation, so distressing to My feelings towards You, [[addition]] x may have arisen from my having observes to You [[/addition]] x when we met at Oatlands, that the first [[underline]] Intimation of Your having invited My Nephew to this Country [[/underline]] was Conveyed in the Letter which I had so recently received from Him. I wish that I could equally acquit the Duke of Cumberland of having been a Party to the Intention and the Effect, but this is Impossible, after learning from My Daughters that He had declared to them, when He came to England in June last, and when they say Him at Carlton House, that My Nephew would accompany His Sister to England and,, that He was a Gentleman who,, ,, Could set me to Right,,. I regret that I Cannot Communicate to You the Letter from My Nephew which has so harrowed