Letter from Queen Charlotte to the Prince Regent

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may lose the Pleasure of being Present at it. The having allowed some Young ladies by Yr desire to be presented at Carlton [[addition] House [[/additon]] has given offence to those who sent [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] [[addition]] for [[/addition]] Permifsion when Invited to Your Parties for the same & were refused by Me, to avoid that irregularity as well as also to Encourage the Manufactories & afsist the Trade people, I shall if Pofsible have Two Court Days that Every one may come & not have any excuse or not coming. Whenever orders are given by the Lrds Chamberlain & Steward, [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] for such Days They will be so obliging as to give, & I am pritty sure that this arrangement will save both You & Me many difficulties at the Wedding

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