Letter from Queen Charlotte to the Prince Regent

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My dearest Son. Now the Imperial Visitor has left You I will Intrude upon Your Time & return You thanks for Your kind inquiries after me [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] during my Illness of which I do assure You my Heart feels most truely gratefull. I am thank God almost quite recovered Certainly free of Complaint but not yet Stout upon My Legs which I do all I can to Regain in order to perform well by the 6 [[underlined]] th [[/underlined]] of next Month, but I must remark that I find when the 2. came before 7. I got up my Strength much quicker than now when the 2 [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] follows the 7. but be that as it may I have no reason to Complain for Providence has granted Me

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