Letter from Queen Charlotte to the Prince Regent

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debt of [[underline]] Sixteen Thousand Pounds: [[/underline]] in addition to [[underline]] all which [[/underline]] if I [[underline]] marry [[/underline]] I must have a [[underline]] town [[/underline]] house and my house at Bushy compleatly repaired and [[underline]] entirely [[/underline]] new furnished: [[underline]] thus [[/underline]] situated and turned [[underline]] fifty [[/underline]] it would be madness in Me to Marry without [[underline]] previously [[/underline]] knowing what my income [[underline]] would be: [[/underline]] If [[underline]] that [[/underline]] settlement is made which I can consider [[underline]] adequate [[/underline]] I shall [[underline]] only [[/underline]] have to explain my [[underline]] real [[/underline]] situation as the [[underline]] fond [[/underline]] & [[underline]] attached [[/underline]] Father of [[underline]] ten [[/underline]] children to the Princess whom I am to marry: for without a [[underline]] complete [[/underline]] understanding of my [[underline]] full [[/underline]] determination to see [[underline]] when & where [[/underline]] I please [[underline]] my Daughters I cannot [[/underline]] and [[underline]] will not marry: [[/underline]] As for the Princess I think under [[underline]] all [[/underline]] considerations the Princess of Dannemark is probably the most proper provided her character is that which I should trust will bear investigation

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