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The Veneration, Attachment and Respect which we [[underline]] feel for [[/underline]] you dearest Lady Cha -- and which is most deeply Engrain on our Hearts -- is happily well known to You -- and from our earliest Infancy we [[underline]] felt that Affection [[/underline]], which Mature Years proved to us to be granted our Gratitude and Esteem. We are truly Sensible of the Exertion You have made in writing to us, & we beg you to be assured that nothing You ever could send us could give our Hearts such Gratification, as the Sentiments of [[underline]] your love for us [[/underline]] given in [[underline]] your own Words [[/underline]] and under [[underline]] Your own Handwriting [[/underline]]. It is indeed true that we have had [[underline]] our share of Sorrow [[/underline]], but we have had many blessings - nor do we look back to the having been under Your care as one of the least of the Mercies of Heaven -- These are the Genuine Sentiments of those who have the pleasure of signing themselves Your most truly Affectionate and Gratefull Augusta Eliza Mary Sophey Amelia Windsor Castle Tuesday Octr. 18th 1808

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